
Time Limitations

The magazine of my university college arrived yesterday. My son can’t understand why I want to read about the place where I studied for just three years so many years ago. But I am interested. I like to read about current activities at the college, and about alumni and how they’ve fared since leaving the college. I also glance at the “In memoriam” section and was saddened this time to recognize two names: one who lectured me although he wasn’t much older than I and one who studied with me. The section also included some who had only just completed their studies.

Until recently, all those of my generation in my family were still alive. Sadly, three first cousins have since passed away.

Apart from feelings for the people whose lives were cut off, this also reminds me that time doesn’t stop. It’s not enough to have goals; they have to be fulfilled.

By Miriam Drori

Author, editor, attempter of this thing called life. Social anxiety warrior. Cultivating a Fuji, edition 3, a poignant, humorous and uplifting tale, published with Ocelot Press, January 2023.

2 replies on “Time Limitations”

You know – I’m getting a bit older now, though I don’t feel it. My Father is dead, and my brother, and my aunt died just two weeks ago. Sometimes I can forget all about time, and other times it comes crashing in on me – I DON’T HAVE TIME TO WASTE! and I wish I’d known this when I was 25 or 30, when I thought I had all the time in the world.

That’s why it’s taken me this long to put my writing out there. I’ve been doing it since I was a child (I’ve written three books) but now is the first time I’ve actually committed to do something with it, and I’m in a hurry!

By the way, did you say you live in England? I wondered if you ever went on an Arvon Course.


So sorry to hear about your losses. I’m glad you’re pushing ahead now.

No. I used to live in England….


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