100-word stories Rhymes

100 Word Challenge – A Sonnet

I’ve never tried this before, but I noticed the challenge this time is to write a 14-line sonnet and felt like trying this afternoon.

It came out a little weird, but here it is:

There was a boy whose name was George.
He was so very bored that all
The cream cakes he did gorge and gorge
Until he was as round as a ball.

His father, despairing, bought him a dragon,
Which ate all the cakes and breathed out fire.
When George went to school he hung his bag on
The dragon’s tail and pulled him with wire.

The dragon became the boy’s only friend.
George’s days the dragon did fill
’til his father, worried, said, “This is the end.
That dragon” – and he pointed – “you must kill.”

If you want to know what George does of late,
He gorges his way through cream cakes on a plate.

Back to the A-Z challenge tomorrow….

By Miriam Drori

Author, editor, attempter of this thing called life. Social anxiety warrior. Cultivating a Fuji, edition 3, a poignant, humorous and uplifting tale, published with Ocelot Press, January 2023.

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